How a Cactus Inspired My Business

Alisa Manjarrez
3 min readApr 8, 2021

The Happy Cactus Club is for you if you embrace the idea of that you have the power to create your own path in your career, relationships and vision for the future.

My career path has been anything but linear. For the past 15+ years, positions have been created for me, or I’ve created positions for the companies I’ve worked for. All of which eventually led to me creating this vision production company, The Happy Cactus.

Yet, a few years ago, I lost sight of all of it. I worked with a coach to create linear steps to climb the executive ladder. Because that’s what you’re supposed to do, right? Yet following a set career path didn’t sit well with me. It wasn’t me.

At the same time, giving into my magical patterns of jobs just appearing or me creating my next steps also seemed too good to be true. But it wasn’t magic; it was my reality.

My coach encouraged me to embrace this truth and find a physical object in my house to remind me every time I get lost in my planning.

Immediately, I thought about my bunny ears cactus.

When I bought it, it was an adorable little round ball with two “ears” coming out from the top, like a bunny. It was perfect. However, over time, it started to grow more ears, sometimes weird ears! It wasn’t looking the way it was supposed to look at all. I was mad!

“I can’t post this on Instagram now,” I thought (sad but true story)x

Then one day, I looked out my window and saw my little cactus out on my patio, enjoying the sun, not knowing how it was supposed to look or supposed to grow and just…so…happy.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I focus way too much on how I think things are supposed to be or supposed to look. Every time I get hung up on that, I think about my very happy not-so-bunny-ears cactus.

The Happy Cactus.

At The Happy Cactus Club, you create the life you want. And then you go after it.

To join The Happy Cactus Club, all you have to do is ask yourself, “what do I want?”

You can create the experiences you want.

You can create the types of relationships you desire.

You can create your own career path.

You can create your future.

Here at The Happy Cactus, I’m here to cheer you on as your friend, as your coach, and as your Vision Producer to pull the team together to make it happen.

Want to schedule a chat to learn more? Let’s talk!

About Alisa

Alisa Manjarrez is Vision Producer and Founder of The Happy Cactus, where powerful women gain clarity to cast a vision, create a strategy, and make it happen. Alisa produces and hosts Color Forward, a podcast dedicated to advancing multicultural women in the workplace, and she also hosts Seriously Though, a podcast for modern professionals looking to create the life of their dreams and the wealth to go with it.



Alisa Manjarrez

Executive Coach, Marketer, Host/Producer of What Rules!? podcast. B2B Multimedia Storyteller at